Propellant Data Analysis
This is a homework assignment from Math 50 at Dartmouth College.
Question-1 (Sample)
- Given a fixed confidence interval percentage (say 95%) at what value of x does CI on the mean response achieve its minimum width?
- The width of the interval is and all terms inside the square root are positive. Therefore it is minimized when .
- Write an R-chunk using the propellant data which computes the following.
- Fit a simple linear regression model relating shear strength to age.
- Plot scatter diagram.
- Plot two lines (in blue color) that traces upper and lower limits of 95% confidence interval on E(y|x0)
- Plot two lines (in red color) that traces upper and lower limits of 95% prediction interval for y
- Print the 95% quantile of the corresponding t distribution
prop<-read.table("", header=T, sep=",")
plot(age, shearS, xlab = "Propellant Age (weeks)", ylab = "Shear S. (psi)", main = "Rocket Propellant")
fitted <- lm(shearS ~ age)
ageList <- seq(0,25,0.5)
cList <- predict(fitted, list(age = ageList), int = "c", level = 0.95)
pList <- predict(fitted, list(age = ageList), int = "p", level = 0.95)
matlines(ageList, pList, lty='solid' , col = "red")
matlines(ageList, cList, lty = 'solid', col = "blue")
# since n=20 we look at the t_18 distribution
wantedQuantile <- qt( 0.95, 18);
95% quantile is of t18 is : 1.7340636
- Plot the same graph as in Question-1 without using R function predict, but instead directly calculating the interval limits we discussed in class.
- In particular, what are the limits of 95% confidence interval on E(y|x0)?
# Computation part of the answer :
#creating scatter plot
prop<-read.table("", header=T, sep=",")
plot(age, shearS, xlab = "Propellant Age (weeks)", ylab = "Shear S. (psi)", main = "Rocket Propellant")
#preparing to create intervals
fitted <- lm(shearS ~ age)
yhat <- fitted$fitted.values
Sxx <- sum((age-mean(age))^2)
Sxy <- sum(shearS*(age-mean(age)))
beta_1_hat <- Sxy/Sxx
beta_0_hat <- mean(shearS) - beta_1_hat*(mean(age))
ageList <- seq(0,25,0.5)
mean_resp_hat = beta_0_hat + beta_1_hat*ageList
SSres = sum((shearS-yhat)^2)
MSres = SSres/18
#constructing confidence interval
conf_upper = mean_resp_hat + qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
conf_lower = mean_resp_hat - qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
matlines(ageList, conf_upper, lty='solid' , col = "blue")
matlines(ageList, conf_lower, lty = 'solid', col = "blue")
#constructing prediction interval
yhat = beta_0_hat + beta_1_hat*ageList
pred_upper = yhat + qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1+1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
pred_lower = yhat - qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1+1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
matlines(ageList, yhat, lty='solid' , col = "purple")
matlines(ageList, pred_upper, lty='solid' , col = "red")
matlines(ageList, pred_lower, lty = 'solid', col = "red")
#determining E(y|x0) at x0 = xbar
ageList = mean(age)
mean_resp_hat = beta_0_hat + beta_1_hat*ageList
conf_upper_x_bar = mean_resp_hat + qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
conf_lower_x_bar = mean_resp_hat - qt(1-0.05/2,18)*(MSres*(1/20 + ((ageList-mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5
Limits of 95% confidence interval on E(y|x0): (2176.5062633, 2086.2087367)
- Load the propellant data and fit a simple linear regression model relating shear strength to age.
Part (a)
- Test the hypothesis β1 = − 30 using confidence level 97.5%.
#fitting model to data
prop<-read.table("", header=T, sep=",")
plot(age, shearS, xlab = "Propellant Age (weeks)", ylab = "Shear S. (psi)", main = "Rocket Propellant")
fitted <- lm(shearS ~ age)
yhat <- fitted$fitted.values
yBar = mean(shearS)
Sxx <- sum((age-mean(age))^2)
Sxy <- sum(shearS*(age-mean(age)))
beta_1_hat <- Sxy/Sxx
beta_0_hat <- mean(shearS) - beta_1_hat*(mean(age))
SSres = sum((shearS-yhat)^2)
MSres = SSres/18
SSt <- sum((shearS-yBar)^2)
β1 = 30 does not lie in the 97.5% confidence interval for β1: (-44.22, -30.09). Thus we reject this hypothesis and conclude that β1 ≠ −30.
Part (b)
- Calculate the limits of 97.5% confidence interval for β0 and β1
upper_beta_1 = beta_1_hat + qt(1-0.025/2,df=18)*SE_b1
lower_beta_1 = beta_1_hat - qt(1-0.025/2,df=18)*SE_b1
Upper Limit Beta 1: -30.0897092
Lower Limit Beta 1: -44.2174727
upper_beta_0 = beta_0_hat + qt(1-0.025/2,df=18)*SE_b0
lower_beta_0 = beta_0_hat - qt(1-0.025/2,df=18)*SE_b0
Upper Limit Beta 0: 2735.8522715
Lower Limit Beta 0: 2519.7924465
Part (c)
- Is there any relation between the answers you find in part (a) and (b) ?
If β1 = G lies within the limits of the confidence interval, one can conclude (with confidence at the given level) that G can be the true β1. Contrarily, if β1 = G lies outside of the limits of the confidence interval, at the given confidence level we conclude that G cannot be the true β1. Another method of testing the hypothesis would be via the calculation of p-values, but we should still get the same results as we did with confidence intervals.
Part (d)
- Calculate R2
Rsq = 1 - SSres/SSt
R-squared: 0.9018414
- Load the propellant data. This time let us consider a relation between square of shear strength and propellant age.
Part (a)
- Fit a simple linear regression model relating square of shear strength to age. Plot scatter diagram and fitted line.
prop<-read.table("", header=T, sep=",")
plot(age, shearS_sq, xlab = "Propellant Age (weeks)", ylab = "Shear S. Squared (psi^2)", main = "Rocket Propellant")
fitted <- lm(shearS_sq ~ age)
Part (b)
- Using analysis-of-variance test for significance of regression (using the formulas we discussed in class)
yhat <- fitted$fitted.values
SSr <- sum((yhat-mean(shearS_sq))^2)
SSres = sum((shearS_sq-yhat)^2)
MSr = SSr
MSres = SSres / 18
f_stat = MSr/MSres
limit = qf(0.95, 1, 18)
We calculate the F-statistic: 165.7173136, which does not belong in confidence interval qf(0.95, 1, 18): (0, 4.41). Therefore, this is a statistically significant result at 5% level and we reject the null hypothesis of β1 = 0. Thus, the test supports a linear relationship.
Part (c)
- Use t-test and check significance of regression (using the formulas we discussed in class)
Sxx <- sum((age-mean(age))^2)
Sxy <- sum(shearS_sq*(age-mean(age)))
beta_1_hat <- Sxy/Sxx
t_stat = abs((beta_1_hat-0)/(MSres/Sxx)^0.5)
limit = qt(1-0.05/2,18)
t-statistic: 12.8731237, while qt(0.975): 2.100922. The t-statistic does not belong in the confidence interval (-2.10, 2.10) at the 5% level, thus we reject the null hypothesis of β1 = 0. Again, the test supports a linear relationship.
Part (d)
- Does the regression analysis predict a linear relationship between square of shear strength and propellant age ?
Yes, according to our results from b) and c), the regression analysis predicts a linear relationship between square of shear strength and propellant age.
- Once again using propellant data fit a simple linear regression model between shear strength and propellant age.
- Consider the t-test for hypothesis β1 = G1, and develop a test for β1 > G1 instead. Then
Part (a)
- Test the hypothesis β1 > − 50 with confidence level 99.9%.
prop<-read.table("", header=T, sep=",")
plot(age, shearS, xlab = "Propellant Age (weeks)", ylab = "Shear S. (psi)", main = "Rocket Propellant")
fitted <- lm(shearS ~ age)
Sxx <- sum((age-mean(age))^2)
Sxy <- sum(shearS*(age-mean(age)))
beta_1_hat <- Sxy/Sxx
yhat <- fitted$fitted.values
SSres = sum((shearS-yhat)^2)
MSres = SSres / 18
t_stat = abs((beta_1_hat-(-50))/(MSres/Sxx)^0.5)
p_val = pt(t_stat, 18)
It was found that the t-statistic: 4.4464989. It follows that the p-value: 0.9998441. This is greater than the significance level of α = 0.001 and thus we fail to reject the null hypothesis. We conclude at the 0.1% level that the true β1 > -50.
Part (b)
- Find the smallest value G1 such that the hypothesis β1 > G1 is rejected.
guess = -(qt(0.001, 18)*(MSres/Sxx)^0.5-beta_1_hat)
G1: -26.7225154
Part (c)
- Similarly what is the smallest value G0 such that the hypothesis β0 > G0 is rejected.
guess = -(qt(0.001, 18)*(MSres*(1/20 + ((mean(age))^2/Sxx)))^0.5-beta_0_hat)